

  • Antennas


    Vital components in wireless communication systems, antennas transmit and receive electromagnetic waves, facilitating the exchange of information over the air. Found in devices such as radios, cell phones, and Wi-Fi routers, antennas come in various types, including dipole, patch, and parabolic, each optimized for specific frequencies and applications. Their design and placement significantly influence signal strength and coverage, making antennas essential for reliable wireless connectivity in modern communication networks.

  • Attenuator


    Attenuator: Controls signal strength by reducing its amplitude, vital in adjusting power levels in RF systems for precise signal control, ensuring optimal performance and preventing signal distortion or overload in various applications like telecommunications and test equipment.

  • Amplifier RF

    RF Amplifier: A critical component in radio frequency systems that boosts the amplitude of signals for enhanced transmission or reception. Widely used in communication devices, radar systems, and wireless networks, RF amplifiers ensure signal strength and integrity, improving the overall performance of RF circuits in various applications.

  • Balun


    Devices facilitating seamless conversion between balanced and unbalanced signals. Essential in various communication systems, they ensure compatibility between different transmission lines, enabling efficient signal conversion and minimizing interference for enhanced data transmission.

  • Bias Tee

    Bias Tee: A specialized component used in electronic circuits to inject a direct current (DC) bias into a radio frequency (RF) signal path. This versatile device is commonly employed in applications like RF testing, telecommunications, and satellite communications to supply DC power to active devices, such as amplifiers or mixers, while allowing the RF signal to pass through with minimal disruption. The bias tee ensures proper functionality and control in RF systems.

  • Circulator-Isolator


    Manages RF signals by directing them in one direction while blocking reverse flow, crucial for minimizing signal interference and ensuring efficient signal transmission in various RF systems, including radar, amplifiers, and telecommunications networks.

  • Coaxial Switch

    Coaxial Switch 

    Facilitates seamless selection between multiple RF signals within coaxial systems, enabling efficient switching between different inputs or outputs, crucial in telecommunications, test setups, and RF measurement systems for versatile signal routing and management.

  • Coaxial Phase Shifter

    Coaxial Phase Shifter

    Experience precise control over electromagnetic signals with these specialized devices. Coaxial phase shifters allow adjustment of the phase angle of radio frequency signals passing through, enabling fine-tuning and control over signal timing. Commonly used in radar systems, communication equipment, and microwave applications, these devices facilitate signal manipulation, aiding in beam steering, interference mitigation, and phase alignment. Explore our range of coaxial phase shifters for precise signal management in your RF systems.

  • Dummy Load

    Dummy Load

    An essential testing device designed to simulate a specific electrical load without consuming power. Utilized in electronics testing, telecommunications, and radio frequency applications, it provides a safe and controlled means to imitate real load conditions for testing and calibration purposes, preventing damage to active devices during assessments.

  • Directional Coupler

    Directional Coupler

    Divides RF signals for monitoring without signal degradation, vital in telecom and RF testing for precise signal analysis without disrupting main paths in compact systems.

  • Detector RF

    RF Detectors

    Explore precision in detecting and measuring radio frequency signals with our range of RF detectors. These specialized devices identify and analyze RF signals, providing insights into signal strength, frequency, and modulation. From spectrum analyzers to dedicated RF signal detectors, these tools are crucial in telecommunications, security systems, and radio frequency engineering. Discover our selection of RF detectors for accurate and efficient measurement and analysis of electromagnetic signals in various applications.

  • Electron Tubes

    Electron Tubes

    Electronic components that utilize controlled flows of electrons for various applications such as amplification, signal generation, and rectification. Though largely replaced by semiconductors in modern electronics, electron tubes, including vacuum tubes and cathode-ray tubes, played a foundational role in early electronic technology and continue to have niche applications in certain specialized fields.

  • Ferrite Core

    Ferrite Core

    A magnetic material used in electronic components to enhance the performance of inductors, transformers, and antennas. Ferrite cores are composed of iron oxide mixed with other metals, providing high magnetic permeability and low electrical conductivity. Widely used in RF circuits and power electronics, ferrite cores efficiently concentrate magnetic flux, suppress electromagnetic interference (EMI), and improve the efficiency of electromagnetic devices, making them essential in various electronic applications.

  • Filter RF

    RF Filter: A crucial component in radio frequency systems that selectively allows or blocks specific frequencies, ensuring clean and interference-free signals. RF filters, including bandpass, low-pass, and high-pass filters, are essential in applications such as communication systems, RF amplifiers, and wireless devices, helping maintain signal quality and prevent unwanted interference.

  • Limiter RF

    RF Limiter

    A device used in radio frequency systems to protect sensitive components by limiting the amplitude of incoming signals, preventing them from exceeding a predefined level. Commonly employed in communication systems, radar, and receivers, RF limiters ensure the protection of downstream components from high-power or high-amplitude signals, preventing damage and maintaining signal integrity.

  • Mixer RF

    RF Mixer

    Essential components blending or combining radio frequency signals, crucial in communication systems, radar, and signal processing, enabling frequency conversion and manipulation for improved transmission or analysis in various RF applications.

  • Oscillator


    An electronic circuit generating periodic and repetitive waveforms, crucial in various applications like signal generation, clocking circuits, and frequency synthesis. Found in radios, computers, and communication systems, oscillators provide stable and consistent waveforms essential for timing, synchronization, and signal processing in electronic devices.

  • Power Splitter/Combiner

    Power Splitter Combiner: Efficient Signal Distribution

    Efficiently distribute signals with our Power Splitter Combiners. These devices effectively divide or combine signals, optimizing performance in various applications. Explore reliable solutions for seamless signal distribution at its best.

  • Waveguide

    Waveguide Components

    Essential elements for high-frequency systems, including adapters, couplers, terminations, and transitions. Precision-engineered for seamless signal transmission in telecommunications, aerospace, and radar technology, ensuring reliable and low-loss electromagnetic energy transmission.

  • Other RFMW Components

Active filters